Friday, April 2, 2010

Crop The Jacket, Not The Attitude!

Last weekend I enjoyed the sights of the pretty city of Stavanger, Norway where my sweetheart friend lives. True to form I defied the weather gods that kept the rain and snow pouring down -- this is as sensible as I get clothes wise my friends! Ain`t nothing wrong with a less than sensible attitude, no?

Speaking of form -not function- I thought I should point out my lovely little cropped jacket that I was rocking with a blue leopard printed dress, leopard scarf, fringed bag and belted booties on that rather chilly day.

Until a week ago that jacket was my previously mentioned wintercoat that I embellished with sequins last year! With the promise of spring came the urge to crop the jacket (saving money was of course the sensible reasoning behind giving the coat a second life as a jacket instead of bying a new one) (which might have backfired completely had I screwed it up and been in need of a new jacket all togheter) (but back to living in the moment and not worrying about the sensibility of it all) (..and to be fair, saving money didn`t occur to me at that cutting moment, feeling sassy in a cropped jacket, however, did!)

I love my newly cropped jacket, and have gladly suffered the bouts of laughter coming from my friends and family, who have reminded me that spring in Norway is less than warm and reliable (thanks guys, that`s real helpful to my freezing `tush! )

All I can say to you sensible souls out there who don`t get to experience the thrill of that "shit - what am I doing!?!"-moment mid spontaneous jacket-cropping while realizing that the reported spring was just that, is this:

WOOL-PANTIES y'all! (Work it, wooork it :)) )

Here are the before and afters of the coat come jacket:

Reworked winter coat

Cropped early spring jacket

Have fun with your fashion my fellow fashionistas, otherwise, what`s the point?


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